
How to Make the Most of Prakerja Program in Indonesia



Prakerja is a program funded by the Indonesian government to support the workforce and help it improve its skills. The program has been in operation since April 2020 and has played an important role in training, mentoring and financial assistance to workers in various sectors. In this article, we’ll take a look at what Prakerja is, its goals, selection criteria, and how to make the most of this program to enhance your skills and career prospects.

What is Prakerja?

Prakerja is a program initiated by the Indonesian government to improve the skills and productivity of the workforce. The program aims to empower the workforce by providing them with training and financial assistance to help them upgrade or retrain. The government has allocated IDR 20 trillion (US$1.4 billion) to the program, which is expected to benefit approximately 5.6 million workers.

Prakerja Goals

The Praker-ja program has several goals, including:

  1. Help workers improve their skills and productivity
  2. Facilitating access to training and mentoring opportunities
  3. Provide financial assistance to employees for training and renewal programs.
  4. Support for job creation and entrepreneurship

Eligibility Criteria for Prakerja

To be eligible for Praker-ja, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Indonesian citizen
  2. Minimum age 18 years old
  3. Unemployed or unofficially employed
  4. Have an active National Identification Number (NIK)
  5. have a bank account
  6. Have access to a smartphone or computer with an internet connection

How to apply for Prakerja

The Prakerja program has a simple application process that can be completed online. To apply for Praker-ja, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Praker-ja official website at
  2. Register on the site using your NIK and your personal data.
  3. Complete the registration process by verifying your email address and phone number.
  4. Apply for the program by completing the application form and selecting the study program of your choice.
  5. Wait for your application to be approved.
  6. Once approved, you will receive detailed information about the training program and financial aid.

How to get the most out of Prakerja

To get the most out of Prakerja, it is important to choose the right study program that suits your skills and career goals. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of Praker-ja:

  1. Assess your skills and identify areas that need improvement.
  2. Explore available training programs and choose the one that suits your career goals.
  3. Make sure the training program is accredited and recognized by industry experts.
  4. Attend training sessions regularly and actively participate in the learning process.
  5. Connect with other contributors and industry experts to get information and ideas.
  6. Apply the skills learned in the training program to your job or business.
  7. Take advantage of Praker-ja’s financial assistance to invest in your career or business.


Praker-ja is an excellent initiative by the Indonesian government to support the workforce and improve its skills and productivity. The program provides employees with the opportunity to upgrade or retrain and improve their career prospects. By choosing the right study program and actively participating in the learning process, you will be able to get the most out of Prakerja and take your career to the next level.

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